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Lawrence Family Development
Charter School

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Grade 6 Healthy Choices

"Congratulations to all of 6th Grade, winners of the Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating Challenge!

This fall, Miss Rachel, our School Dietician, visited all Upper School classrooms enlightening students with Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating tips:

  • Make Mindful, Healthy Choices: Students learned about being aware of their surroundings, their thoughts and feelings when faced with making some tough choices.
  • Choose Variety the MyPlate Way: Miss Rachel shared an overview of the five food groups, and students were able to articulate the important nutrients in each group, learning the value of eating a variety of foods
  • Rise & Dine Students were encouraged to eat breakfast every day, and they shared some reasons why breakfast is a good idea, as well as some consequences of skipping that important first meal.
  • Slow Down on Sweets Students learned about the presence of Added Sugars in many foods and why it's a good idea to pay attention (be mindful!) to those foods, most commonly found in their drinks
  • Rethink Your Drink Students were encourage to Rethink some of those Drinks: Miss Rachel demonstrated just how much Added Sugar is in some commonly consumed beverages…they were shocked!
  • Be Active Your Way: Rounding out each session, students learned about and shared benefits of activity and movement throughout the day. Miss Rachel shared some quick, simple ways to move during any day, including the school day

 All classes took a group Pledge to make those Healthy Choices for Healthy Eating, and they were challenged to track those choices for two weeks in the following ways:

  • Stopping and thinking about any of their choices at least twice a day
  • Eating at least one serving from all five food groups each day
  • Eating Breakfast each day
  • Choosing a low sugar dessert or snack at least once each day
  • Drinking a healthy beverage at least three times a day
  • Moving their way at least three times a day

Each class created some healthy prize ideas in the lucky event they would win the challenge.

6th Grade won the challenge! Top on their list of prizes was having recess! On Wednesday December 18, all four classrooms enjoyed Outdoor Time at the Lower School, feasting on a healthier version of some holiday treats.

Way to go 6th Grade! Let's keep those Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating habits going!"