LFDCS Scholarship Funds & PFK Endowment Fund

LFDCS Scholarship Fund
opening doors for our current students
In June of each year approximately 75-80 students will graduate from LFDCS, and at least 40 of these students will have earned admission to selective secondary schools. Twenty-five or more graduates need $2,000-$4,000 for each year of high school or $8,000-$16,000 set aside in scholarships to ensure not only that they can enroll but also remain at their chosen high school until they graduate. An average of $10,000 for students or $250,000 is the real need of annual scholarships at Lawrence Family Development Charter School.
PFK Endowment Scholarship Fund
investing funds—investing in students
The initial goal of the PFK Scholarship Endowment Fund was to raise one million dollars over ten years—$100,000 each year in corporate, individual and foundation contributions. Gifts of all sizes helps build this fund, particularly pledges that can contribute annually. Funds are held at ECCF (Essex County Community Foundation) and invested creating an endowment for perpetuity--ensuring scholarship support for students not yet born.
For more information, contact Paul Heithaus, Director of Program Development at 978 224-8808, ext. 120 or e-mail him at pheithaus@lfdef.org
Lawrence Family Development, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.