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Lawrence Family Development
Charter School

"strengthening families
building community"

Read Across America Month

  • Ready, Set, Read! 💥 Celebrate your love of reading for #ReadAcrossAmerica by taking the #NEADiverseBookChallenge. Here's how to participate in 5 easy steps: #ReadAcrossAmerica
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Specials Newsletter

Click here to read the Specials Newsletter. / Haga clic aquí para leer el boletín de ofertas especiales. 

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School Food Service Request for Proposals

 Lawrence Family Development Charter School is soliciting Requests for Proposal to enter into a contract for the operation of our School Food Service program. This includes the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and After School Snack Program. Click "Read More" to review and download full RFP and supporting documents.

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Family Bingo Night

Fun and prized were share by all at our Family Bingo Night! 

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TV Raffle for Scholarships

We are happy to announce our first raffle of the school year! All of the money raised goes towards our PFK Student Scholarship Fund.

We will be raffling off a 65" LG HD Smart TV. The tickets are $10 each.

The Raffle is running from February 10 – March 12. We will choose the winners on Friday March 14.

You can also buy additional tickets in person at the Lower School on 34 West Street.

Thank you for your support!

¡Estamos felices de anunciar nuestra primera rifa del año escolar! Todo el dinero recaudado se destina a nuestro Fondo de Becas para Estudiantes PFK.

Sortearemos una Smart TV LG HD de 65". Los boletos cuestan $10 cada uno.

La rifa se realizará del 10 de febrero al 12 de marzo. Elegiremos a los ganadores el viernes 14 de marzo.

También puede comprar boletos adicionales en persona en Lower School en 34 West Street.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

Grade 6 Healthy Choices

"Congratulations to all of 6th Grade, winners of the Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating Challenge!

This fall, Miss Rachel, our School Dietician, visited all Upper School classrooms enlightening students with Healthy Choices, Healthy Eating tips:

  • Make Mindful, Healthy Choices: Students learned about being aware of their surroundings, their thoughts and feelings when faced with making some tough choices.
  • Choose Variety the MyPlate Way: Miss Rachel shared an overview of the five food groups, and students were able to articulate the important nutrients in each group, learning the value of eating a variety of foods
  • Rise & Dine Students were encouraged to eat breakfast every day, and they shared some reasons why breakfast is a good idea, as well as some consequences of skipping that important first meal.
  • Slow Down on Sweets Students learned about the presence of Added Sugars in many foods and why it's a good idea to pay attention (be mindful!) to those foods, most commonly found in their drinks
  • Rethink Your Drink Students were encourage to Rethink some of those Drinks: Miss Rachel demonstrated just how much Added Sugar is in some commonly consumed beverages…they were shocked!
  • Be Active Your Way: Rounding out each session, students learned about and shared benefits of activity and movement throughout the day. Miss Rachel shared some quick, simple ways to move during any day, including the school day

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Picture Days 2024

Order today...

- Click:

- Select "Continue as a guest"

- Enter Lifetouch Code (see below for specific school code)

All students will be photographed on picture day.

Questions? Contact our Help Center at Select K-12 School Photography for assistance.

 Codes to order Retake photos:

School Grades Retake Day Retake Codes
Academy K1, K2, 1 & 2 Friday, Nov 15, 2024 EVTDPVG3P
Lower3 & 4Thursday, Nov 14, 2024EVTR2QGRM
Upper5 - 8Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024EVTXRNXFT

 Codes to order October photos:

School Grades Codes for October photos
Academy K1, K2, 1 & 2 EVTCT9ZG9
Upper5 - 8EVTJFH4RZ

Food Waste Reduction Story

Students Receive Scholarship From UNH Summer STEM Camp

In July 2024, three middle school students from the Lawrence Family Development Charter School attended UNH Tech Camp where they participated in a summer enrichment program focused on science, technology, engineering and math. Read more

Healthy Eating at LFDCS

Integrating healthy eating throughout the school day is essential to nurturing the holistic well-being of your child. LFDCS is committed to upholding nutrition and health guidelines from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MA DESE) Office for Food and Nutrition Programs. Learn about our food guidelines before packing food for your child to bring to school.

Mr Santana’s Egg Drop 2024

During their last week of science, the graduating 8th grade class took on the timeless challenge of fragile egg verses the relentless force of gravity! In Mr. Santana's Egg Drop Challenge 2024, the students had one class period to design, and one class period to build a design model that could withstand the plunge of over 20-feet! Here are some of the student projects, their egg designs, and the results!

"The students learned about important physics concepts such as forces, air resistance (drag), impact, and momentum."

The students learned about important physics concepts such as forces, air resistance (drag), impact, and momentum. They also learned engineering concepts through building thoughtful designs that included padding, parachutes or propellers, and other cool scientific ideas! They also got to work in teams and work on their collaboration skills. Most of our teams survived the fateful fall from the STEM center roof, with just a few teams cracking under the pressure. Overall, it was a blast both for the students and for the teacher. It's safe to say the Class of 2024 will definitely remember the excitement of Mr. Santana's Egg Drop 2024!

SY'2025-2026 LFDCS Scholarship Renewal Applications Now Available

Attention all alumni who receive LFDCS Scholarships! 

SY'2025-2026 LFDCS Scholarship Renewal Applications are now available and due to the Opening Doors department no later than June 1, 2025 in order to renew scholarships for next school year. Please click here to pay the processing fee.

If you have any questions, please contact Chantel Peralta at

MCAS - a burden or investment?

MCAS graduation requirement is not punitive, it's a lifeline for highest-need students. 

Stanford University Study Finds Charter Schools Top Traditional Public Schools

A new national study from Stanford University of nearly 2 million charter public school students affirms charter students outperform peers at traditional public schools (TPS). Click on the Superintendent's "Memo" under my picture to download the entire document.

Un nuevo estudio nacional de la Universidad de Stanford de casi 2 millones de estudiantes de escuelas públicas charter afirma que los estudiantes charter superan a sus pares en las escuelas públicas tradicionales (TPS). Haga clic en el "Memo" del Superintendente debajo de mi imagen para descargar el documento completo.

Sickness Protocol / Protocolo De Enfermedad

Keeping our little ones healthy and happy is our top priority! To ensure your children's well-being, let's work together to promote good hygiene habits. Please read our sickness protocol in English.

¡Mantener a nuestros pequeños sanos y felices es nuestra principal prioridad! Para garantizar el bienestar de tus hijos, trabajemos juntos para promover buenos hábitos de higiene. Por favor lea nuestro protocolo de enfermedad en español.

LFDCS alumni in the news!

UNH Tech Camp.